Chapter (0)
~ Start

Before : Prepare


so before you leave,
I’m going to invite you
to prep for some lo-fi GPS

Find a piece of card or paper 
A4 or A5 size…..
and a pen or pencil….

When you have everything,
draw a leaf,
a big leaf like a maple,
make sure
you draw the veins of the leaf -
not just the outline.


Do you have particular senses
you use more than others?


Are you told you have an exceptional sense of smell
or really good hearing?


Are you very sensitive to heat
or cold?


Do you think you have senses
some people don’t?


Or do you sometimes
sense things
and can’t explain how?


you should have finished
your preparation by now.
Make sure
to bring this item with you.
You might want to use it later.


The first part of this journey
is about to begin.

The light is changing,
the shadows are getting longer,
the temperature
is beginning to shift.


Click on the arrow for your next choice
